MetLube Case Study: Auto Manufacturer
Customer: Auto Manufacturer Custom Brake Supplier
A major auto manufacturer custom brake supplier was looking to improve their productivity, along with reducing costs and creating more efficient and sustainable operations.
This manufacturer suffered from short tool life using Hangsterfers C500 on a roughing tool on a Hanita TC6209 that was processing ¾” high speed steel at 11,000 rpm. In addition, everything had visual staining on all parts and the inside of the tooling area.
By volume concentration during the study:
Hangsterfers C500 … 10%
MetLube … 11%
Process and Equipment Information
Application ………………. Machine Center
Material ………………….. Aluminum
Parts Produced ……….. Brakes/Parts
Machine ………………….. Hanita TC6209
By using MetLube metalworking fluid the following results were realized for the customer:
⋅ Tool life was increased by 50%
⋅ Down time was decreased
⋅ Complete elimination of tool and machine staining
⋅ Increased environmental and worker safety
MetLube metalworking fluid is a revolutionary, multi-machine, multi-application chemistry unlike any other in the industry. This unique Complex Synthetic™ technology offers substantial operational cost savings and superior performance while assuring environmental and worker safety.
The interaction of this Complex Synthetic™ chemistry created superior lubricity, heat dissipation (cooling), cleaning action, corrosion and microbial life protection.
Impact & Value
⋅ Saved Money on Tool Purchases
⋅ Increased Productivity
⋅ Decreased Downtime for Tool Changes
⋅ Improved Operator Safety
⋅ Reduced Manufacturing Steps
⋅ Improved Environmental and Worker Safety
⋅ Improved Surface Finishes
⋅ Improved Sump/System Life